Wednesday, 5 August 2020

The old railroad

The old railroad 

One day some children were tramping in the woods in doing so they found a really old railroad ( the boys were daredevils) they each decided to walk across the 100m high railroad although when the first boy went across (Jake) he disappeared the other 2 boys Jason and Isaac saw him disapp]. eared Isaac said “ok let’s run” but just as Isaac started running Jason grabbed his shoulder and said “you don't know what Jake is facing in there we gotta go in and help” “but but ohh ok” Isaac responded “let’s go” so they both walked over the railroad well Isaac was very slow Jason ran like a superhero when Jason got into the portal right behind him the portal disappeared he saw tons of exotic things. Although there was something off he was underwater, he swam up and up but no matter how far he swam he could not reach the surface. 

Though there was an upside he could breathe while underwater, then suddenly a portal opened It was Isaac he bumped Jason’s head “we need to find Jake” Jason said in a bubbly voice “ok” Isaac responded although there was no need Jake just appeared from all the sea life in front of them “Jake” Isaac and Jason exclaimed “hey guys come over here” Jake responded so they all swam through the sea life “wow” Jason and Isaac said, there was a star that had different colours on each side Jason said “can we take them” “IDK” Jakob responded so they took one each Jason took the red one Jakob took green and Isaac took blue they each held them closer to examine suddenly the stones disappeared Jason said “wow” “what if we somehow got powers from that” “ohhh” yea I totally think we got powers” (they were being sarcastic) little did they know they did have powers now back to the sarcasm “ohh yea why don't I try to shoot a fireball “Jason said his hand started bubbling up and a ball of fire came out “wow’ they all said “how ah how did I do that “ Jason said “I don't know Jakob responded “ hey Jake Isaac why don't you try” they put their hand up facing the sea life Isaac was able to move the fish with his hand “ wow “ Jakob’s blast was a green blast when it touched the fish the fish started zapping each other “wow” “we got powers” Jason said Jake got energy I got fire and Isaac got psychic” then Isaac said “what does psychic mean “ Jason said “ it is a power where you can control movement with your mind” then Isaac started controlling Jason he made Jason go upside down then Jason said “we can mess around a wise man once said with great power comes great responsibility “ “huh “ jake and isaac said “look we just have to keep these powers a secret DON'T ASK ME WHY if you do its so that government don't do no tests on us so if you wanna use these powers then wear something to hide your identity “ Jason said “ok “ Isaac and Jake said “we could be superheroes and save the world “ they said “ok wait i think im feeling something “ what is it “idk but its strong and it's pulling me like a 2700000 year old incstinct “ they all started feeling it and they swam to the detonation it was a portal back when they got through they were all wet they testet to see if the still had powers and infack they did but they burnt down a tree with them although ther was one problem a man was standing on a hill looking at them

The  end 

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