Wednesday, 21 March 2018

Tangaroa and the Taniwha

It was dark and dreary, no one could see and it was as cold as ice. There was a rumble of thunder and a flash of lightning. The clouds were dark and brooding. The Maori had left Hawaiki in there waka in search of new land.

Suddenly from the moana rose a large taniwha. The taniwha looked like a green sea dragon, had sharp fangs and had a long body. The monstrous taniwha ate three wakas in a single gulp.

Hearing the sound of destruction brought Tangaroa to the surface to see what was happening. Tangaroa was a fearless giant god. He had muscles as big as the trunk of a kauri tree and a moko and long hair.

Tangaroa shouted at the taniwha “What are you doing in my moana?”  he whacked angrily at the taniwha cutting his flesh. The taniwha growled out in agony “ARGHHH”. The taniwha leaked blood turning the moana into a blanket of red. The taniwha lay in three pieces. That is how New Zealand came to be.


  1. A very entertaining narrative Jason with lots of great imagery such as the rumble of thunder. It would be fantastic if you would share more of your great ideas with the group. Ka pai
