Monday, 17 December 2018

My Toy Meerkat (Jack)

My Toy Meerkat (Jack)
My dad and I were going to the supermarket to get bread.  When we got to the checkout, I saw a meerkat in a bathrobe and tie.  “Daddy, come look! Can we get it?”

When I got home, I was so excited to name him so I named him Jack.  Jack and I were best mates. One day, my dad let us camp in the back garden.  When it was time to camp we got our tent out and set it up. After we set up the tent, it was so late!  It was about 8:00pm and when we got in our tent, we fell straight asleep.
When it was morning, we woke up and got breakfast. We had weet-bix, rice pops and warm milk.

I still have Jack, my best mate.  He has recently been hanging out with me at school.  He quietly sleeps in my tote tray or patiently waits for me to take him out to play.  I am so glad that my dad agreed to buy him for me!

the end

Sunday, 16 December 2018

Where am I?

Where am I?

The car park is full of screaming kids in their cars for their mums to unlock the doors “ out we go” “ye ha” .

When you get inside you can hear SPLASH!, WOOHOO, “Waaaaaa” “mum,dad
Come this is so fun”
It’s time for the waves
————— “no strangling” “OK sorry

“Dad can we get some chips” “OK my darling”
“that will be 5$ for 1 packets of chips” “here is money” “here is chips” “yummy

Wednesday, 12 September 2018

Speech Judging Sheet

Name:  Jason             
Topic: Children should be able to bring any IT devices to school                          
Main Points

Self Assessment
Low                                         High
1           2 3           4 5

My speech was organised logically into paragraphs, with an effective introduction and a conclusion.

I used some gestures, stood still and made eye contact with my audience.

My voice was clear and loud.  I didn’t speak too quickly or too slowly.

My speech had a message and was original, interesting and relevant to the audience.


I used ‘powerful’ words in my speech.  I also included some language features (eg repetition, alliteration, similes etc)

My speech was between 2 ½ and 3 ½ minutes long.

Next time I need to:
add more language features

Teacher Comment:  
Jason, you spoke at a good pace and had a clear voice.  Your next steps are to show more enthusiasm and expression and be a lot louder.

Tuesday, 28 August 2018

My customised note

  My customised note 

I put the sky tower on my note to represent NZ.

I put the ANZ bank on my note because it’s a popular bank in NZ.

I put Countdoun on it because it is a popular supermarket in NZ.

Wednesday, 27 June 2018

George's grandma

Is Is your grandma warm, cuddly, kind and loving?  Well if she is she's very different to George’s grandma.  

George's Grandma doesn't smile very often, when she does smile it is really scarily at George with her teeth grinding together.  Around her pale brown teeth is her mouth that looks like a dog bottom, and above that sits her witch like nose.

Grandma is an old hag. She says that “you should always grow down not up”. She is a grisly old grunion.

Now if only there was a Medicine that could make that horrible hag disappear.

Sunday, 24 June 2018

Jason's Marvelous Medicine

Sleep tight

Sleep tight

I am going to describe what happens when people dream.

When people dream their dreams are as long as 20 minutes. Although you are sleeping your ears are still working scientists have done a test to a sleeping man with tapes repeating his girlfriend’s name the electric waves carried the message through his brain, his brain got faster.      

How much sleep
Usually when people sleep adults sleep about 7-8 hours and babies sleep for 16-17 hours, as people get older they need less sleep.

What people can be seen while sleeping
Some people turn over, bang their head on the pillow.
Some people suck their thumb, talk ,pull faces, paddle their legs as if they are
Riding a bike or walk in the
ir sleep.
How scientist know that your brain is working ?
Scientists know that your brain is still working when you sleep you have dreams.

Why heart beats more slower when you sleep
A child's hearts normally beat faster than an adult's. ... Kids' heart rates can be as low as 60 beats per minute during sleep and as high as 220 beats per minute during  physical activity.

Sunday, 17 June 2018

the boy with superpowers

Once there was a boy but he had a secret that secret is he is a ninja!!! fire type HE HAD ALL THE ABILITYS  and his real name is Justin but his code name is Kai born Jan the first 16 years old. he once fought Garmodon alone and he had not a scar this battle was Against a Grannyoptricks and eateant " we are going in to battle " he said but he needed his team thay include Lloyd green ninja Zane ice ninja Jay lightning ninja Nya water ninja Coal earth ninja and me Kai fire ninja 9 hours later ... " oh finally we have defeated him if I didn't yous fire kick then we would be dead " Kai said.

Wednesday, 23 May 2018

Year 4 camping

Year 4 camping

Dear Mrs Ritchie.

I am writing to express my opinions about why year 4 students should go to camp.

You may believe that year 4 children are too young to go to school camp, However I disagree. I believe we are not too young and could learn lots of important skills.

I think we should go because we would learn to do things for ourselves such as cleaning our own dishes, making our beds and carrying our own bags.

Raft billding
Raft building also helps teach you about water safety and to wear a life Jacket.

Ladder climbing
Ladder climbing to learn how to mountain climb because it’s a realy hard climb, it also helps not be afraid of heights.

Archery helps you develop aim for example it lets you get better aim for dodgeball.

I hope you agree with my ideas I look forward to hearing back from you.

From Jason

Thursday, 17 May 2018

states of mater

States of Matter

This is all about states of matter today I will tell you about states of matter I hope you enjoy this I’m going to tell you about: solids,liquids and gases.
Solids are something really hard like tables playgrounds. They have their own shapes. The molecules are really close together.


Liquids are something like: water lemon juice and coffee. They don't have their own shapes bottle or container. The molecules are not really close but a little bit spreading out.
Gas are something that spreads out. Here’s some examples about gas. Gas is oxygen gas is air The molecules spread out very quickly.

This explanation text explain why solid gas liquid which is state of matter. States of matter can be found everywhere.

Thursday, 10 May 2018

A letter from gallipoli

27 April 1918.

Dear Jakob.

We have just received the soldiers/ANZAC biscuits we are worn out
by all the shooting and I am kind of getting usto the sound of
shooting. I am always ready even if i’m not concentrating like right
now. I promise I have faith that  New Zealand will win the war even
if I die.

school photographs

school photographs.

Dear photographer.

I am writing to you to express my opinion about the way take and arrange the class photographs.

clerly more people would buy the photgraphs if the red back drop when  was a green back drop because the red back drop should match the uniform.

It would be obvious that more people would buy the photographs if the size of the photo was bigger.

I realy feel that the grey Border should be red because it looks blank when its grey.

You will under stand that the people hoo are  missing should be photo shopped.

I’m absolutely certain that you should read my ideas most carefully. You may or may not agree with my opinions but please do consider them. I look forward to hearing back from you.

Yours sinceerely,

Jason mcCaughan

Wednesday, 21 March 2018

Tangaroa and the Taniwha

It was dark and dreary, no one could see and it was as cold as ice. There was a rumble of thunder and a flash of lightning. The clouds were dark and brooding. The Maori had left Hawaiki in there waka in search of new land.

Suddenly from the moana rose a large taniwha. The taniwha looked like a green sea dragon, had sharp fangs and had a long body. The monstrous taniwha ate three wakas in a single gulp.

Hearing the sound of destruction brought Tangaroa to the surface to see what was happening. Tangaroa was a fearless giant god. He had muscles as big as the trunk of a kauri tree and a moko and long hair.

Tangaroa shouted at the taniwha “What are you doing in my moana?”  he whacked angrily at the taniwha cutting his flesh. The taniwha growled out in agony “ARGHHH”. The taniwha leaked blood turning the moana into a blanket of red. The taniwha lay in three pieces. That is how New Zealand came to be.

Wednesday, 7 March 2018

The Waka

“Ka mate, ka mate” is bellowed loudly from the rowing warriors. Holding tightly onto the oars with water flying up and splashing down on to the boat. The warriors stick their tongue out and widen their eyes. Stamp their feet and slap their thighs.
The boat is as long as a  taniwha. The carvings on the front of the boat  represent ancestors. As we approach the enemy island we chant “tokihi,tokihi”. WAR IS ALMOST US!” “ CHARGE!” Go my crew

Tuesday, 6 March 2018

The Wharenui

After reading 'Not Just a House' I created a labelled drawing of a wharenui

Sunday, 18 February 2018

How to do the Hongi

The Hongi 

What is a hongi? 

A hongi is the pressing of noses, which symbolises the exchange of the breath of life 

When does the hongi happen? 

When the tangata whenua side indicates that the speeches are complete, the manuhiri speakers approach the tangata whenua to hongi 

What to do.

1. First shake hand Firmly.

2. Then put your other hand on the other person's shoulder firmly.

3. Thirdly gently press your nose softly for 1 sec.

4. Then separate noses take your left hand of their shoulder and separate right hand.

5. And walk off the stage